
Snippets of wisdom for your daily nutrition, health, and lifestyle. Get access to the latest blogs by signing up for our newsletter.

What is Prop 65, and What Does It Have To Do With Me?

What is Prop 65, and What Does It Have To Do With Me?

There’s a high chance you’ve seen the Proposition 65 warning label at least once. You know, the one that states (with some variation): This product contains chemicals known to the State of Californ...

New Year, New You: Your Guide to Achieving Healthy Goals

New Year, New You: Your Guide to Achieving Healthy Goals

Similar to counting down to midnight on New Year’s Eve, setting resolutions on January 1st of the new year is a time-honored tradition.  Picture this: You start working on your goal at the start of...

Curcumin: What’s the Hype and What Does It Do?

Curcumin: What’s the Hype and What Does It Do?

In the sea of orange, red, and brown spices you can find at the grocery store, turmeric stands out for its golden color. But this spice wouldn’t be what we know without curcumin, the compound that ...

Lifestyle Noticing Hair Loss? These 5 Reasons Might Be Why

Noticing Hair Loss? These 5 Reasons Might Be Why

Wads of hair clogging the shower drain. Scalp peaking through thin strands. A hairbrush that’s more hair than brush. These can be everyday occurrences for some, but if you’re alarmed by increasing ...

Science Why is Vitamin D Important in the Fall & Winter?

Why is Vitamin D Important in the Fall & Winter?

Like water and oxygen, vitamins play critical roles in maintaining normal body function. And of the thirteen essential vitamins we need to stay healthy, vitamin D is especially important in the fal...

Lifestyle The 7 Do’s and Don’ts of Staying Motivated

The 7 Do’s and Don’ts of Staying Motivated

Goals, resolutions, aspirations, objectives, initiatives — whatever you call it, we’re always on a journey towards achieving. And on that journey, there's one particular thing that drives us forwar...

Lifestyle 10 Tips For a Smooth Back-To-School Experience

10 Tips For a Smooth Back-To-School Experience

As summer comes to a close, one event marks the beginning stages of autumn: back to school. The back-to-school season brings change for many of us — including students, parents, and educators — an...

Lifestyle What Are the Long-Term Effects of Stress?

What Are the Long-Term Effects of Stress?

If you’ve ever uttered (or even thought) the phrase “I’m so stressed,” you’ll know that being stressed affects more than your mental state. Your muscles tense up, your jaw clenches tight, or your b...

Nutrition Why Is Collagen Supplementation Important as We Age?

Why Is Collagen Supplementation Important as We Age?

Collagen — it’s more than a buzzword in the wellness community. Recently, collagen has become the superstar ingredient in everything from facial creams to packaged beverages, and there’s a reason w...

Science 14 Ways to a Healthy Liver

14 Ways to a Healthy Liver

How often do you think about your liver? For many of us, it's not often. Maybe we've only thought about the liver in the context of biology class or while reading the occasional warning label on a ...

Lifestyle 7 Ways to Improve Heart Health

7 Ways to Improve Heart Health

Heart health isn’t a new topic, but is improving your heart health something you’re actively working on? When it comes to heart health, it’s vital to start taking steps to take care of your heart b...

Lifestyle Things to Do During the Day for Better Sleep at Night

Things to Do During the Day for Better Sleep at Night

Getting a night of unsatisfying sleep is a universally disliked experience. Whether you’re taking too long to fall asleep or waking up in the middle of the night, low-quality rest can negatively im...

Nutrition All Backed Up? These Foods Can Help

All Backed Up? These Foods Can Help

While people have gotten less embarrassed about the fact that everybody poops, what about when we can’t? You know...constipation. The word itself sounds uncomfortable. Not only can it be painful, b...

Lifestyle Preventing Dry, Cracked Skin This Winter

Preventing Dry, Cracked Skin This Winter

As the temperature drops, you may be getting into a new routine: sweaters and coats come out, soup intake increases, and suddenly you’re swapping your iced beverage for a hot tea. It’s natural for ...

Lifestyle UTIs, Yeast Infections, Oh My! Let’s Get Real

UTIs, Yeast Infections, Oh My! Let’s Get Real

  Imagine you’re giving a presentation or driving the kids to soccer practice but all you can think about is the itching, burning sensation that just won’t stop. When you likely have a lot on your ...

Nutrition Are You Deficient in One of These Crucial Nutrients?

Are You Deficient in One of These Crucial Nutrients?

Nutrient deficiencies are more common than you think – are you lacking any of these vitamins and minerals? Have you ever had a blood workup done by your health practitioner and been surprised to le...

Science The Curcumin Craze Is Real: Here Are 6 Reasons Why

The Curcumin Craze Is Real: Here Are 6 Reasons Why

It’s not just photo op-friendly: turmeric, the richly hued spice that features prominently in a variety of Indian dishes, packs a serious nutrient punch and offers a list of health benefits that se...

Supplement Spotlight: Vitamin K2

Supplement Spotlight: Vitamin K2

Often overlooked, always important Vitamin A protects your eyes from degeneration, the B vitamins are vital for general health and well-being, vitamin C supports your immune system, vitamin D helps...

Science It's Good for You, But Why? The Health Benefits of Vitamin D

It's Good for You, But Why? The Health Benefits of Vitamin D

Vitamin D has been getting a lot of attention lately. While it may not be a cure-all for the major illnesses plaguing our world today, it certainly deserves credit as an important player in the imm...

Lifestyle Stay Hydrated This Summer

Stay Hydrated This Summer

Hydration is a hot topic, especially as the weather starts warming up and the amount of body water lost through sweat increases. Exactly how much water does a person need to drink to stay adequatel...

Nutrition Should You Be Taking A Prenatal Vitamin?

Should You Be Taking A Prenatal Vitamin?

When is the right time to start taking a prenatal vitamin? If you’re actor Gwyneth Paltrow, Mindy Kaling, or Reese Witherspoon, the answer is “right now” – whether or not you’re currently pregnant ...

Nutrition Collagen Peptides: Support Your Skin From Within!

Collagen Peptides: Support Your Skin From Within!

Summer is officially upon us! As the temperatures heat up and the outdoors beckon, you might be paying more attention to your skin than usual – and rightly so. We accumulate the majority of our yea...

Lifestyle The Survival Guide for Healthy Summer Skin

The Survival Guide for Healthy Summer Skin

Love it or hate it, summer is here! Warmer temperatures and outdoor activities encourage us to spend more time outside in the summer months, increasing exposure to the sun and its damaging UV rays....

Lifestyle Fun Facts About Father's Day

Fun Facts About Father's Day

Did you know? Mother’s Day and Father’s Day were first celebrated in the same year – 1908 – but Mother’s Day was recognized as a national holiday 58 years before Father’s Day was. The holiday has t...